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Saturday, March 8, 2008

RE: [ca-liberty] New poll for ca-liberty

Harland Harrison wrote:

HH) Report for Entourage: mac -- All 4 of 4 links worked correctly. (HH

An interesting report. Much more relevant is how the four links behave in
the online archive of the Group, and in more popular email clients like
Yahoo Mail and Outlook. I tested the first two of these three, and only 1
of the 8 clicks weren't broken. Y! Mail correctly handles the easiest case
of the shortest link, but the archive includes the trailing period and so
even that link fails there. Outlook 2002 always fails for all four sorts of
cases for me, so I would report only 1 in 12 clicks doing the right thing on
these three platforms. I would guess that far more people use ca-liberty
via the web, Y! Mail, or Outlook than use it through M$ Entourage on the

Oh, and assuming you sent your message via Entourage, it thoroughly broke 3
of the 4 links when you quoted them (by splitting them across lines prefixed
with "> "). Again, that's something that wouldn't happen with HTML.