Starchild wrote:
SC) Expressing my concern that the Libertarian Party not become libertarian-lite is not name-calling. (SC
"Lite", "nerf", "foam rubber", "mini-me", "watered down", "wishy-washy" -- these are the names that radicals have been using against Platform reform. They have zero intellectual content. If you're really just trying to say that you don't want the LP to become "less radical" or "more moderate", then why hide behind the pejorative word "lite"?
SC) I've stated my views on this topic pretty clearly -- I'm against age discrimination. (SC
No, you haven't stated your views on this topic clearly. You've said you're against bright lines. Congratulations, so am I. I'll ask you for the third time: "is it or is it not immoral [i.e. against libertarian principles] for the state to legislate a rebuttable ability-to-consent presumption that includes age as a factor?"
SC) We don't want to move *one step* toward a less radical party! (SC
Translation: only anarchists and "zero-aggression" abstentionists get to have a veto on Platform language.
SC) I'm asking you now to return to the 2004 platform and use that as a starting point. But you don't want that as a starting point, do you? You want to hold onto the gutted 2006 platform as the starting point (SC
Please get your facts straight. I voted with the Platform Committee which is on record as recommending that the delegates should throw out the entire 2006 platform as well as its format. In fact, even your Restore04 group is not using the 2004 platform as a "starting point". They are cutting its plank count in half, completely replacing its section organization, throwing out 4000 words (have they told you which ones?), and adding hundreds of words of novel language (have they identified them to you?) that have never been vetted/debated by a NatCon or a PlatCom. Apparently the 2004 platform was so bad that even Restore04 won't defend it.
BH) you want to claim for your narrow ZAPsolutist school of libertarianism (BH
SC) Who's name-calling? (SC
You don't claim to be absolutist about the Zero Aggression Principle?
I definitely don't claim to be "lite".
See the difference?
I still say that you are a less-than-optimally-principled libertarian to the extent that you disagree with the principles of the EcoLibertarian Manifesto. Should I therefore call you "lite"?
BH) Can you quote a single sentence in the 2004 Platform with which you disagree on principle? (BH
SC) You're putting the cart before the horse. Let's restore the 2004 platform first, (SC
I can't ask you a simple question until you get your preferred platform restored? Gee, that sounds fair. Either you have the intellectual courage to answer my question, or you don't. Admit it -- you want libertarians like you to hold over Platform content a veto power that you would deny to libertarians like me.
SC) You said non-aggression was your primary political value. Has that changed? (SC
I repeat my unanswered remarks to you here from Mar 29:
You're simply conflating 1) advocating OPPOSITION to aggression and 2) advocating ABSOLUTE ABSTINENCE from aggression. I've been trying for almost three years to get you to face this distinction, and I'm out of ideas for how to get you to notice it. Here are two more attempts:
1) I dare you to say "If one doesn't advocate absolute abstinence from X, then one cannot claim to oppose X." If you can't say this, then I don't see where you're disagreeing with me.2) Needles cause pain. Doctors use needles. Do you conclude that doctors do not have a fundamental goal of minimizing pain?Minimizing the incidence of force-initiation **IS** the goal that I **ALWAYS** argue for against ZAPsolutists -- who instead argue for absolute abstinence from force-initiation, regardless of the (allegedly unpredictable) consequences in terms of an increased amount of force-initiation. I wrote to you in Sep 2005:I dispute your apparent premise that the Non-Aggression Principle (or Zero-Aggression Principle) is the essence of libertarianism. I would say that the essence of libertarianism is the Anti-Aggression Principle, which says that the role and incidence of aggression in society is to be minimized. (This is precisely equivalent to saying the role and incidence of liberty in society are to be maximized.)
SC) I think you're the first person I've ever heard talk about these alleged "major schools" of libertarianism. I don't buy it. (SC
SC) I think the Non-Aggression Principle is the heart and soul of libertarianism and the Libertarian Party (SC
SC) I would like to see a Denver Accord that reaffirms the Dallas Accord and formally commits the LP to using language in its governing documents that does not exclude either anarchy or limited government as possibilities. (SC
SC) Radical libertarians, anarchist or otherwise, may have their differences with some of the language in the 2004 platform (SC
SC) but recognize it as superior to the document adopted in Portland (SC
SC) and therefore are not interested in providing soundbites criticizing it or pointing out their disagreements with it at a time when we are trying to restore it (SC
SC) I think the contention that we are "sitting at the kids' table" in the LP is absurd. Libertarian spokespersons and Libertarian Party documents regularly say [...] (SC
SC) One would logically think that for someone truly worried about anarchists dominating the LP, an agreement under which the party favors neither anarchy nor limited government would be seen as a blessing (SC
SC) Yet the main defenders of the Accord seem to be radicals. Why do you suppose that is? (SC
SC) "In 1990, the Dutch parliament made sex between adults and children ages 12 to 16 legal as long as there was mutual consent. The child or the child's parents can bring charges if they believe the minor was coerced into sex." The LP is in pretty bad shape if we can't even do better than a government parliament when it comes to reducing the role of government! (SC
SC) ""Legally designating a class of people categorically unable to consent to sexual relations [...] " (SC
SC) I also believe that holding party office, voting on party policy (platform, bylaws, etc.), or representing the LP as a candidate for public office (to the extent we can control this), *should* be carefully restricted on the basis of ideology. I have no set beliefs on the precise mechanism(s) to be employed, or what the cutoff point (s) should be, but I think it is vital that we ensure the party remains in the hands of people who agree with the general proposition that humans should be able to live their lives as they choose, short of initiating force or fraud. (SC