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Monday, September 29, 2008

Best Christian Philosophers: Swinburne and Plantinga

John Lowell, you can invent whatever excuses you want for not answering my point.  Insults and evasions from Christians are nothing new to me, and I welcome these implicit admissions about the weakness of your case.  Feel free to fantasize that there is something about the Christian doctrine of the Trinity that invalidates my point that the ethics of Christianity is based on revelation from an unquestionable source of moral authority, whereas the ethics of humanism is not based on any such revelation. If you are unfamiliar with the relevant background here such as Divine Command Theory, then you should start by reading
If that material is too difficult for you, you should at least see how the term 'theism' is used in introductory readings, like "The Justification of Theism" by one of the world's leading academic Christian apologists, Richard Swinburne of Oxford:  He defines theism as the hypothesis "that the Universe exists because there is a God who keeps it in being and that laws of nature operate because there is a God who brings it about that they do."  Another non-technical introduction that uses the term 'theism' in the usual way is "Theism, Atheism, and Rationality" by the renowned Alvin Plantinga of Notre Dame: does a great job of getting the best Christian philosophers to reprise their cutting-edge technical writings for a non-specialist audience. 
You may be confusing the broad concept of theism with a very narrow conception of monotheism that denies the so-called "tritheism" of the Trinity. I trust that this audience sees straight through the confusion you're trying to create here, but in case I've over-estimated their perceptiveness, feel free to continue trying to evade my point in this way.  I don't really have time right now to indulge my old hobby of religious polemics, so I'm hoping you'll make good on your promise to retreat under a smokescreen of ironic charges about my "anger" and "tantrums".